Often times life can get in the way of getting a good night's sleep. We rest our head down after a long day, and our minds can't help but run through the never ending to-do list in our minds. That mind chatter, we call chitta, also called monkey brain can be a hard one to train. Perhaps we like to run stories over and over of our day, of yesterday, or what we hope for for tomorrow. It's when we realize that everything swirling around in our minds will be there tomorrow that we can take the power away from those thoughts and get some good shut eye.
So much happens when we sleep-our tissues repair, our body heals, our short term memory gets logged into long term. Lack of quality sleep can not only make us cranky the next day but have an effect on our overall health. If you have a hard time 'turning it off' when you lay down to rest, I suggest keeping a notebook or journal next to your bed. If certain thoughts, stories or ideas keep coming up, then first pay attention. Give them the attention they seek, and then write them down, get them out of you. Say, I see you. I know you'll still be here when I get up in the morning, but for now I'll leave you here. I shall return to you when I'm ready to give you my energy. Gratitude journals are also a great way to end that day. Write down everything you were grateful for that day, only let the good things take precedence. Lay your head down in a peaceful state, not agitated or distracted by things that went wrong. Television and electronics are of course not ideal to have on to fall asleep, and if left on you will not get quality sleep. Even though you may be sleeping your brain is still in some way active and aware of the sounds and light around you. Find what works best for you, and I've written this mediation to help wind down your mind and prepare for a good night's sleep, Enjoy!
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AuthorHello lovelies. I am a life/Goddess/meditation coach, body and energy worker , yoga instructor and author. I hope you enjoy my journey of discovering our magic and connecting along our journey of health, wealth of spirit and evolution. I am happy to share my experiences with you to heal, love, and evolve. ArchivesCategories